Push To Send Contact Benefits
Push To Send Contact

A person's business card carries all the contact details you need to conduct business. Now your phone can act as your on-the-go Rolodex®. With the push of a button, you can send someone's contact information that is stored in your phone to another SouthernLINC Wireless phone. Sending contacts from one SouthernLINC Wireless phone to another is a fast way to get information and keep contact info updated. Once a contact is added, the contact's name will appear whenever they call or contact you using Push To Talk. It's easier than remembering PTT ID numbers and it's a convenient way to share contacts with team members.

Step-by-step how-to

  • Press your phone's menu key
  • Scroll to PTT Features or LINC Manager (older phones) and select "Send Contact"
  • Select the person to receive the contact from your Contacts list
  • Select the contact you wish to send from your Contacts list
  • Press the PTT button
  • The contact will display briefly on the recipient's phone and will be stored in the Recent Calls list.
  • The recipient can view/save the contact from the Recent Calls list.
